
Chanel Belt Bag in Black Goatskin AP2549

Special Price $420.00 Regular Price $750.00
Chanel 22K New collection, with adjustable strap belt bag.
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cc AP2549

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  • Goatskin,
  • Gold-Tone, Silver-Tone & Ruthenium-Finish Metal
  • 8 × 10 × 3.2 cm./ 3.1 × 3.9 × 1.2 in.
  • Genuine imported Original Goatskin leather.

Quality: OEM. Materials used are exactly same as the original ones.
What you see in the picture is exactly what you will receive.

Sapphire Doyle
I was a bit skeptical about buying a replica Chanel bag, but Deschanel.nu exceeded all my expectations! The craftsmanship is incredible, and it feels just like the real deal. Highly recommend this site for anyone looking for high-quality replicas!
Sapphire Doyle - United States
Fern Robson
I ordered a Chanel replica purse from this site, and I can't believe how perfect it is! The attention to detail is spot-on, and my friends can't tell it's not authentic. Definitely my go-to for replica luxury items!
Fern Robson - London
Nicole Skeldon
They not only offers beautiful products but also fantastic customer service. They kept me updated throughout the entire shipping process, and my Chanel wallet arrived faster than expected. The quality is flawless!
Nicole Skeldon - Canada
Fiona Cummings
I’m in love with my new Chanel replica shoes from here. They are comfortable, stylish, and look exactly like the original. Why pay thousands when you can get the same look for a fraction of the cost?
Fiona Cummings - Australia
Yvonne Jenning
I’ve bought several items from this site, including a Chanel replica belt and bag. Each piece is meticulously crafted and identical to the originals. They have become my favorite place for high-quality replicas!
Yvonne Jenning - Singapore
June Crawford
I was amazed when I received my Chanel replica bag from them. It feels and looks so much like the real thing! I’ve gotten so many compliments already, and no one can tell it’s a replica. Will definitely shop again!
June Crawford - Paris
Carmen Welch
They makes luxury affordable! I was hesitant at first, but after receiving my Chanel replica wallet and comparing it to my friend’s authentic one, I’m convinced this is the best way to enjoy luxury without breaking the bank. Thank you!
Carmen Welch - USA
Melanie Cobb
I ordered a pair of Chanel replica shoes, and they arrived quickly in perfect condition. The quality is exceptional, and they’re indistinguishable from the original. Can’t wait to buy more from this site!
Melanie Cobb - Ukraine
Lizzie Cunningham
They really knows how to make high-quality replicas! My Chanel replica purse is stunning, with every detail meticulously crafted. I’m super impressed and will be ordering again soon!
Lizzie Cunningham - United Kingdom
Alma Santos
I wasn’t sure what to expect from a replica site, but They blew me away! The Chanel replica bag I ordered is gorgeous and feels just like the real thing. It’s now my favorite accessory!
Alma Santos - United States
Julia Fernandez
I’ve tried a few replica sites, but here is hands down the best. The Chanel replica items I’ve purchased are flawless, and the customer service is always friendly and helpful. Highly recommend to anyone looking for luxury replicas
Julia Fernandez - USA
Rosemary Carlson
I bought a Chanel replica belt, and I’m amazed by the quality. The leather feels luxurious, and the craftsmanship is impeccable. It’s hard to believe it’s not an original Chanel. Will definitely buy again!
Rosemary Carlson - Italy

Items 61 to 75 of 576 total

Feb 10, 2023
I have bought a lot of bags. This seller is the one I have found so far with the most satisfactory quality. I seldom comment on it. But to be fair, the boss’ service is also very enthusiastic. Unlike some merchants who sell bags are attitude so bad. Love to buy again and I am very satisfied. - Emma
Bernice Conley
Feb 2, 2023
Here is a one-stop shop for everything luxurious and stylish. Their selection of high-quality products is sure to satisfy all your needs for the perfect item to add a touch of class to any wardrobe. With their commitment to exceptional customer service and an abundance of affordable options, shop with them for all your sophistication needs! - Bernice Conley
Jennie Moay
Jan 23, 2023
After comparing many website, I finally choose this website to buy. The reviews here are very real, so I decided to buy it for a try. The seller is very honest, and he didn’t brag. The delivery was very fast and FEDEX arrived within few days. I was really surprised, it totally same as the bag I spent more than 10k usd. I will try my best to move on and the next Chanel boy bag will coming. thanks - Jennie Moay
Jan 14, 2023
This Chanel 22bag really gave me a big surprise. Both the workmanship and the texture are very good. After comparing it with the one my best friend bought last year, neither of us can tell! ! ! must like one!! - Isabella
Jan 3, 2023
High satisfaction, the quality is the same as the one bought in a CHANEL store, it is invincible and very good value, recommended to buy, I will look for this one in the future, the leather is super good and the details are invincible and very good value. - Bella
Dec 25, 2022
I'm going to be honest, the quality of this bag went beyond our expectations. I wouldn't say it was a cheap purchase considering its price. Everything seemed almost perfect! My First impression on these was really good and it stayed that way after the overall checking. My sis used this more than her other bags because it looks really great! Although it is not a mens bag but I really admire how well these are made so well. But if you're a male wanting these bags we don't judge and wear bags that you love! Don't mind others :) As what I've said last time, always wear it with confidence and with great styling! Thanks again! - Patricia
Claudia PS
Dec 16, 2022
Dec 1, 2022
Leather is really soft and buttery. I have gone to the Chanel store twice to check out the C19s and this leather feels just as soft and "thick" and plushy as the authentic. It has the same sheen as the authentic ones in store and zooming in on this leather (and the pic of the authentic I took at the store) shows the same type of "grain". - Catherine
Nov 21, 2022
From the moment I opened the outer box, I knew this bag was going to be different than any other bag I'd purchased in the past. I've been purchasing bag for over 10 years and this packaging was spot on. I'm sure many of us are familiar with dented boxes, crushed corners, etc. Not this one. The Chanel box was shipped inside a very sturdy outer box and on every corner there were hard plastic protectors. I was frankly shocked, in a good way. The Chanel box was pristine, with the correct tissue paper, camelia, ribbon, care booklet, polishing cloth, bag, etc. The scent of leather that came when I opened the box was amazing. No fufu smell here. I own 2 authentic lambskin bags from Chanel (1 vintage and 1 brand new) and this lambskin is just as smooth and supple. There are no loose stiches. I am extremely satisfied with this purchase, I would highly recommend this bag . - Eleine
Nov 14, 2022
Oh god this bag is gorgeous and it's so well made. I have no complains whatsoever on the quality of it. It was my very first bag, and I was so shocked how nice it was. The structure feels sturdy, hardware is weighty but not too heavy. The color is light blue but the camera doesn't pick up the color very well. - Charles
Nov 9, 2022
There is nothing that I can really complain about, the leather is quite thick and feels luxurious. The stitching is neat and tidy, they have aligned everything properly (including the lining of the pouch!!) and the hardware feels sturdy and has all logos nicely stamped or engraved. - AMY
 frau mone
Oct 27, 2022
I love this bag (having owned it for about an hour now, ha). It is bigger than the small Marmont I normally carry in the perfect way so that my Gentle Monster replica I just got will fit nicely along with my free caviar card holder. I truly love this color combo and can't wait to pair it with all sorts of cool and warm tones. This bag is so soft I prefer it to my cat. There was no fufu smell when I received it! - frau mone
Oct 18, 2022
The leather of this bag is just WOW! It has the typical, nice leather smell, no fufu at all. It is very soft to the touch, and the grainy structure looks super beautiful. I have thoroughly inspected the bag and in my opinion, the stitching is perfect. There are no missed stitches, and every stitch is even and located just where it is supposed to be. The golden hardware is beautiful and seems to be high quality. The lock is turning just like my auth and the zipper is running smoothly. This bag is really, really well made! I already sent the pictures to two bagloving friends of mine and they were shocked how good the quality is. - Linda
Oct 3, 2022
Overall quality is great. The bag itself is sturdy and durable. Leather is true black and shiny. No chain issues, no loose stitches and fufu smell. Very well made bag - Jessy
Sep 26, 2022
Overall a very sturdy bag, that is able to stand up straight without leaning for- or backward, It has substantial weight for its size, especially the chain. No signs of the fufu; it has a very faint leather smell. Caviar leather looks plump and shiny. Graining of the leather looks even. Stitching is neat, there is not a single loose thread or popped stitch. Hardware looks gorgeous, no signs of tarnishing. After seeing auths back in summer, I was definitely WOWed by the quality of this bag. It is on par with auth. In fact, I actually think it‘s even better. I personally don’t see the mini-air pocket inside as a qualitative deficit. It is actually also present in auth bags from time to time. All in all, I am positively surprised. The craftsmanship of this bag is basically impeccable. We will see how long it will hold up eventually! - Alina

Items 61 to 75 of 576 total


Chanel Belt Bag in Black Goatskin AP2549

Special Price $420.00 Regular Price $750.00